On Trend: High and Low Bridal Gowns
BTS is here to break down what’s trending in the world of weddings! Today we’re going to talk about bridal gowns. Specifically, high and low. Brides who are dress shopping, take some notes on what we’re about to say: HIGH AND LOW WEDDING GOWNS ARE TRENDING. And we are so absolutely here for the look. […]
Rihanna’s Got Your Back(side)

From a killer party playlist to a poppin’ highlight, Rihanna has really taken care of some important essentials for females! The former singer has been WOW-ing us with her ability to really take our needs into consideration when it comes to all things beauty and fashion and man-oh-man has she proved to us that she’s […]
High and Tight Bridal Hair Styles

By now, we can pretty much all agree that the boho bridal trends have dominated the market for quite some time now. The effortless yet romantic feel has definitely had its time to shine, so if you’re looking to change things up with something a little unexpected, then we’ve got just the right ‘do for […]
The Viceroy Experience in Cabo

The Viceroy Experience In Cabo Calling all jet setter brides with a passion for modern spaces, a healthy lifestyle, and treating yourself. It’s Alex here from BTS and I’m about to give you the inside scoop on our absolutely magical experience at the Viceroy Los Cabos. Which, by the way, felt like a futuristic water […]
10 Sheer Wedding Gowns For Daring Brides

1 Want to show some skin on your big day? We’ve been waiting for that special moment a bride decides to be a little daring on her big day! We’re seeing designers incorporate a sheer look into their designs over the last two to three years. This trend isn’t dying down anytime soon. This year, […]
Guest Attire Rules

Weddings are huge. It’s no wonder much thought goes into the selection of attire not only for the bride and groom but for their guests too. Even though many weddings have a dress code or suggested attire listed on their wedding website or invitation. There are some that don’t. If the wedding you’re attending does […]
Bridal Shoes We Love

Wedding shoes are up there on the list of items most photographed on wedding day. This is why you’ll want your shoe choice to be on point. These photos will last forever, and if you’re anything like us, you’ll want to look back on these photos when you’re old and grey and think, “wow, I […]
How He Asked: Gabriel + Jessi Malay

Ever wonder what’s going through the groom’s head when he’s planning to propose? Us too! Whenever we get the opportunity to chat with our grooms, we try to pry all the deets out of him. This is exactly why we wanted someone like Gabriel as a guest on our podcast, so he can fill all […]
She Said Yes Podcast Season 2, Ep. 1 Recap: LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX

What advice would you give any woman about sex before her big day? Is there such thing as sexually compatible? Are there sexual things couples should talk about before tying the knot? What are two things you would be surprised most couples don’t know about sex? Those are just a few of the questions guest, Dr. Resa is […]
Royal Wedding: 3 Things You Must Know Before Watching
The Royal Wedding is just around the corner and no one is more excited than we are! Raise your hand if you’re having a watch party. Now raise your hand if you’re dressing up for the watch party. Ok, us neither. But if you do plan to live stream this, we need to fill you in on the […]