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Wedding Veils: Classic, Modern, or Totally Unique

You picked out the wedding dress and now you have to choose the veil that will complete your overall look. The veil serves as the focal point to your hair and dress and other than warding off evil spirits (a little history behind what the veil used to symbolize!), the veil you choose should compliment your dress, face shape, and hair style. Wedding gowns fall under several different broad styles and your veil needs to work with this style. There’s the classic style which is formal and usually elaborate in some way. The modern style is going to be fresh and up to date as far as wedding fashion goes, and if you’re looking for something totally unique you can really get creative.

Here are some great examples to help narrow down which type of veil will complete your look:


veils 2

veils 3

veils 4


veils 5

veils 6

veils 7


veils 9

veils 10

veils 11

Contact BTS Event Management for a complimentary consultation and let us be a part of your special day!


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