Bridal Bouquet Inspiration

Art Bouquet 1

We came across an amazing post on Grace Ormande’s website and we couldn’t wait to share with you.  This is perfect for any bride who is experiencing trouble finding just the right bouquet.  The unique bridal bouquets in this article are not the typical looks found on pinterest.  These are statement making, cutting edge, one of a kind, never been seen before bouquets. Here is the link to the post:

Here are our favorite looks from the above link:

Art Bouquet 7

Art Bouquet 5

Art Bouquet 9

Art Bouquet 6

Art Bouquet 3

Art Bouquet 4

Art Bouquet 2

Art Bouquet 8

Art bouquet 10

We could stare at these bouquets all day!!  Each one is pure art.  We hope you enjoyed scrolling through the photos we picked as well as checking out the full article linked above!

For more wedding design inspirations, bridal trends and wedding planning tips, be sure to follow us on all of our social media pages:

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