Bachelorette Celebration!
Oh my goodness! Let me tell you about the absolute best bachlorete weekend ever. So, as girls will be girls and running a million different schedules, I wasn’t actually able to have my bachelorette party until 2 weeks before the wedding. There has just been so much going on! But to tell you the truth, […]
Booking Your Bridal Makeup!
How exciting is it to find out that an all exclusive makeup only shop is opening up in your town by a couple of extremely determined entrepreneurs? As wedding planners, we can answer that question quite easily for you – it’s AMAZING! We are absolutely thrilled for our friends at The Sparkle Bar for not only […]
Wedding Pictures; Your Family Photos
When we were approached recently by Kelly from Ben and Kelly Photography to write a blog, it made most sense. She wanted us to blog about the importance of having a photo list. Now, most of you might be like, what is a photo list and so I will explain. When planning your wedding and […]
Scottsdale Wedding Planners; Summer Vacation
Hey there! Our 2015 wedding season is right around the corner and we are so thrilled to have a busy, busy fall. Make sure you stay tuned for more details about each dream come true, fairy tale event. In the meantime, here is a quick flashback at the great summer that BTS Event Management has had […]
A Bride’s Frustration
Don’t get me wrong, this next post is not to be negative in anyway but, the frustration that I have felt in the last 2 months as a new bride to be is real. Every single detail, and I mean EVERY single detail, consistently crosses my mind and comes up and then goes away daily. […]