How fun are getting engagement photos!? Well, while most of you may think that engagement photos are really fun and exciting, others might totally disagree. The truth of the story is, for me, it was extremely stressful, even as a wedding planner. Thinking about where to take the pictures, what to wear, how to do my hair, if I need to get my makeup done, how clean my house was, etc., etc., etc.. it became a complete mind game. That was my thought process prior to the start of the day and to be honest, I really wasn’t looking forward to them at all. Afterwards however, when it was all said and done, it was a completely different story. See, the pictures represent me and my fiancé, Chris. They represent the love we share with each other and how simple and easy it is to be together. Chris and I had a great time and we really enjoyed the company of Mike as well. We laughed, we joked, we probably got mad at each other (I saw it on his face in one picture) but we were completely us and that is exactly what I wanted this whole day to be about. Although my initial feelings were a bit all over the place, at the end of the day, the pictures came out amazing and I couldn’t be happier. If there is one tip that I could offer anyone about to take their pictures, it would be this: just be you. Be as normal, as silly, as serious or as goofy as you are together when no one is watching. That, in itself, will make the experience unforgettable.
Now for the good stuff! Here are just a few of the hundreds of photos taken. Hope you enjoy!

Photos by Mike Olbinski
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Phoenix based Wedding Planner – Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona