Choosing the Best Venue for Your Wedding

There are a ton of factors to take into consideration when choosing a venue for your wedding. You want to meet all of your needs but it can be tricky when trying to juggle your own religious preferences, your fiancé’s, and those of others. Then there are all of the other elements to include to your overall theme as well as practical factors such as your guest list. With all of this confusion, at the end of the day you have a ton of choices to choose from. Here are some relevant questions to consider:

What’s your theme? Discuss themes with your fiancé, and pick one that works for both of you. Think about how to best express it through décor, the menu and a color scheme. Brainstorm some ideas together so you can both be satisfied with the perfect end result. Will the theme require a venue that is indoor or outdoor, and will that space be modern or historical?

What’s you style? Are you aiming for a single location for both the ceremony and reception? Make sure to take into consideration how accessible it will be for your guests if you choose two different venues. Make sure there is plenty of signage and communication to your guests exact directions to the reception with parking restrictions kept in mind, if any.

Where can you make it happen? Pick a site that is feasible to accommodate your style. Don’t try to make a venue something it is not. If you are looking to have your dream reception in a grand ballroom but you want a garden wedding theme, the ballroom does not fit that style. Instead rent out a garden and customize it to your theme, it will save time and money in the long run.

How can you personalize the site? Once you’ve found the perfect theme and location, find ways to showcase your personality. If you’re going for a nautical theme and the two of you share a passion for sailing and a sense of humor, use pictures of different names of sail boats as table markers (Seas the Day table, Nauti Buoy table, Aquaholic table). Little touches like this make great conversation starters for your guests — and they’ll probably be one of the most memorable elements of your reception.

What’s the trade-off? Every bride has a budget, and you need to consider how much you’d like to splurge on an impressive location. Figuring out all your expenditures before putting a deposit on a reception site will help you evaluate your options. It might be a trade-off between the venue of your dreams and 400 personalized coasters you wanted for the cocktail hour. Now, which is how you really want to express yourself?

Contact BTS Event Management for a complimentary consultation and let us be a part of your special day!


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