90s Are Back!

One of the only times where you can get a good idea of what the future holds is during Fashion Week. And after this week, we believe the future is telling us that the 90s are continuing into 2018 in the form of neon and classic hair accessories. Just when you thought the days […]
Designer Spotlight: J’Aton Couture

If it’s your first time here and you couldn’t already tell, we are fashion obsessed. Especially, bridal fashion. People love to stick to tradition when it comes to weddings–which for the record we’re all for. But if you’re going to push any envelope, let it be the fashion envelope. We love it when our brides […]
Now Trending: Statement Veils

Veil. What used to be used as a compliment to a dress, is now becoming a statement of its own. In our opinion, you can thank women like Princess Diana or Kim Kardashian–both whose veil was an absolute statement no one was able to forget. When you think of a veil’s train, you immediately think […]
Our Favorite Summer Celebrity Weddings
Believe it or not summer is quickly coming to an end. I know, we can barely believe it either. No more warm summer nights that smell of fresh rain. No more weekend trips to the beach. It’s a bummer but to be honest were kind of excited about fall and winter. Truth be told, its one […]
#TBT: Celebrity Wedding Gowns
As wedding planners, we have seen our fair share of wedding gowns, from boho to ball gown with everything in between. So, in honor of Throw Back Thursday, we thought we’d share some of our favorite celebrity wedding gowns! Check them out!
Mr. & Mrs. JOLIE-PITT!
I have two words. Simply Stunning! The ceremony took place at the Chateau Miraval in France along with the rumored 22 attendees including Brad’s immediate family and their six children who all played a very special role in not only the wedding but, the dress as well. The first pictures of Angelina’s dress was released last […]