“God, I love being a turtle!” Michaelangelo – you couldn’t have said it any better! You’ve heard it right, the wait is over! This weekend was finally the debut of the gnarliest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party that we put together for one of our favorite four year olds! From the four tiered layered cake, to the life sized piñata even down to our Michelangelo character, this party was totally tubular, dude!
We are very lucky to be able to work with so many great clients that give us the chance to take an idea or theme and just run with it. The creativity and consistency of the Ninja Turtle theme is what made this party so exciting. By incorporating green throughout the venue, along with key features from the cartoon such as pizza boxes, toxic ooze and TMNT colors, everything pulled together for an amazing event. We replicated a turtle within the tables by using brown linen and green chair covers with different blue, purple, red and orange colored bands to resemble the characters. As a centerpiece, we used pizza boxes and crafted our own homemade accents.

The best part, of course, was the dessert table. Candy filled jars, neon green jell-o ooze, custom made marshmallow pops and cookies resembling pizzas left these kids on a sugar high for days. We cannot forget to mention the AMAZING cake that emulates all aspects of the cartoon.
We wouldn’t be what we are without our amazing vendors. Thank you to Classic Party Rentals for the tables and linen, Curtis Whipple for the great beats during the party, Fluff It Marshmallow’s for the tasty desserts and A Child’s Dream Entertainment for your character contribution to making this extra special!
Do you have a birthday coming up soon or know someone that does? Tell us your vision of what you are looking for and put us to the test! Call BTS Event Management to get scheduled today!
Until next time, COWABUNGA, dudes!