I know it has been a couple of weeks since I have wrote anything about my wedding journey, oops! I am so sorry!! It has been a little crazy trying to figure a few things out but I think we are in the midst of having all of that settled and decided. What I really want to talk to about now is my guest list! It is growing and growing and I don’t know what to do or when to stop.
This is typically something that most brides go through. There is always the back and forth, who do I invite, well I don’t want to hurt their feelings and I don’t want to make this person mad. It is never ending! So, what Chris and I have decided and we think that each of you should keep in high consideration too is this, everyone cares about you in some way or another so, figure out who you know you couldn’t imagine sharing this special day with. Chris initially said, “If we haven’t talked to them in the past three months, then they probably won’t get an invite.” As mean or as rude as it might seem, it makes total sense.