Lets talk bridal accessories… They tie everything together, create a unique look and make every regular outfit become a superb outfit. This week on the blog, we talk all about bride accessories and how these dainty little details should not be overlooked on your very special day!
Some of our brides struggle enough with which dress to pick out, let alone with what accents to add to really complete the look. We are here to offer some go to ideas that will not let you down.
Whether its the perfect piece of sparkle that hangs off your neck, adorns your ear, or wraps around your wrist, you want to make sure you choose items that complete you and your dress, not take away from either. If you have a plunging neckline, definitely use a necklace to complement the space. If you have a lot of detail on your gown, a simple pair of earrings will do the trick.

Head pieces
This can be anything from a stunning veil, bridal headband, hair jewelry, or some trendy glammed out bobby pins. Use this to compliment your dress as an extension of the overall look. Make sure you are picking these items out when your dress is fresh in your mind, rather than later on down the road, just to make sure everything fits just right.

You need!!! A nice looking, cute, and easy to carry for your blotting powder, lipstick touch up kit, and phone, clutch.

Check out some other amazing accessories we believe are must haves for your wedding day!