As you may have read from one of our previous posts, accepting the role as a bridesmaid/groomsmen is a pretty big commitment. So, when considering who Chris and I would ask – we really wanted it to be special and not an obligation. Also, we didn’t want to have an extremely large wedding party. I feel like sometimes a large wedding party just gets to be too much and then you don’t really know where to draw the line.

Of course, doing a traditional will you be my bridesmaid letter would have been just fine but being a planner and all, I had to think of something super clever to do and that everyone would enjoy. I got with one of our graphic designers, Nadeen of SN Consulting, and started asking her questions as to what I should do. You see on Pinterest all of these really cute ideas, i.e. – popping a ballon, scratch off cards, jewelry, etc. but none of these were really what I was looking for. Being a graphic designer and all, she came up with the cutest idea. I also got with one of our bakers, Ruze Cake House and asked them if they would make some of their beautifully painted macaroons for me.
Two of my bridesmaids live on the East Coast while the other three live in Arizona. So, for all of them to have received the package at the same time didn’t happen but I made sure no one posted anything prior.
As for Chris asking his groomsmen, I was definitely okay with him just calling each one or taking them to dinner but, he wanted to do something special too. He definitely is slacking on his end because he has not even started his process. I’ll have to update you later on what he decides to do.
We love each one of them so much and are so thankful for them to be a part of our lives and our wedding day!! Thank you in advance to each of you for being such important people to us. xxo
Bridal Box Details:
Bridal Card – SN Consulting Co.
Essie Nail Polish – Ulta Beauty
Short Champagne Bottle – Total Wine
EOS Lotion – Ulta Beauty
Hand Painted Macaroons – Ruze Cake House
Boxes were provided by HomeGoods