How He Asked: Gabriel + Jessi Malay

Ever wonder what’s going through the groom’s head when he’s planning to propose? Us too! Whenever we get the opportunity to chat with our grooms, we try to pry all the deets out of him. This is exactly why we wanted someone like Gabriel as a guest on our podcast, so he can fill all of us girls in on the behind the scenes of proposing.


Gabriel and his now wife, Jessi Malay are famous YouTube vloggers that we’re absolutely obsessed with. You can find their channel here and their proposal video here. Brace yourselves, because once you begin watching, it’s hard to stop!


But before we get to our recap of how Gabriel proposed, be sure to follow us on Instagram, subscribe to our channel, and show us some love in the iTunes reviews.


Gabriel and Jessi Malay worked together in the music industry. Jessi Malay was formerly part of a girl group, No Secrets, and Gabriel worked in digital marketing. That’s how they crossed paths. Gabriel and Jessi have the classic love story every girl dreams of. You know, the ‘we were friends first‘ story. We won’t totally give it away here, but listen in on our episode to here where it all started.


After listening, be sure to let us know what you think of this How He Asked, and whether or not you’d like to hear more of these types of episodes in the comments.




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